Self Evaluation
Comment on each of the following, giving yourself a grade with an explanation outlining why:(Grading should be1-5: 1 = excellent, 2 = v. good, 3 = good/average, 4 = poor, 5 = v. poor)
Attainment - i think im working pretty well in general so i'd give myself a 1
Effort - i alwaysss put in loadsss of effort in my work specially media :D 1 again
Punctuality - always there always on time = 1
Submission and quality of homework - i don't think i've ever missed a homework...and its always to the best standard so 1
Ability to work independently - my independent studyyy i think worked well on it 1
Quality of writing - its not toooo bad...but 2 as Mr Munro said i could improve my Independent Study
Organisation of Media folder - it was all over the place but ive sorted it out now! 1
Oral contributions in class - i think i do orite.. if i know the answers 1
b. Make a list of three targets/areas for improvement over the next half-term.
a) have my independent study all done and dusted
b) start revising for exams..making notes
c) do timed essays
Attainment - i think im working pretty well in general so i'd give myself a 1
Effort - i alwaysss put in loadsss of effort in my work specially media :D 1 again
Punctuality - always there always on time = 1
Submission and quality of homework - i don't think i've ever missed a homework...and its always to the best standard so 1
Ability to work independently - my independent studyyy i think worked well on it 1
Quality of writing - its not toooo bad...but 2 as Mr Munro said i could improve my Independent Study
Organisation of Media folder - it was all over the place but ive sorted it out now! 1
Oral contributions in class - i think i do orite.. if i know the answers 1
b. Make a list of three targets/areas for improvement over the next half-term.
a) have my independent study all done and dusted
b) start revising for exams..making notes
c) do timed essays