Karl Marx argued that capitalism is based on the profit motive and that under capitalism, profits are generated by expolited workers. He believed that capitalist society is divded into two social classes: the working class and the bourgeoisie.
Marx believed that the "culture industries" see a mass audience and would construct texts in order to appeal to these and generate a wider audience. He also believed that mass media is seen as a way of entertaining the working class while DRIP FEEDING them ideologies and beliefs (effects theory)
Althusser studied the Ideological State Apparatuses (ISA's) act to interpellate an audience - that is to position the audience in such a way that they presume that these ideologies are correct
Gramsci came up with the term HEGEMONY. He basically said that what we see in the meida and the representations are hegemonic therefore reinforce dominant ideology.
Why I am a Marxist
I think I'm a marxist because i believe that we live in a capitalist society where the working class sell their labour to the bourgeoisie who are the ruling class. I also believe in the term hegemony because i think that there are people more elite then others who have subconcious power and control over the audience but only to a certain extent as humans have their own brain to know what to take in and what not to.