What do you think of my blog...?
The comment buttons down there somewhere.... i don't know what to put here....
The comment buttons down there somewhere.... i don't know what to put here....
hello there.
1. i think i speak for everyone when i say the best bit about ur blog (excluding ur work) is the beaaauuuttiffulll background! lol i wantttt!!! *hehe*
2. " You Tube"
i think you tube is a good idea. like mr bush said i cant believe none of us came up with it lol i think its a good way for random people to get recognised.
Posted by
Puja |
5:54 PM
Hey Sheri,
Your blog is sik.. i like the template.Very different to everyone elses. Its so detailed and covers interesting media stories. WoOo xXx
Ima talk about the ethnic miniority article you posted up. I agree with what you said about how they are under represnetd in the media. They should be equally focused on like the rest of the miniorties out there. Everyone concentrates on the media to much these days.. XxX
Posted by
Furzana |
7:48 PM
Hey Sherish,
Your blog looks wikid, template is different and your also got a good range of media stores and opinions
Im going to talk about the Current TV article with Gore signing up for Murdoch. I think the idea of current TV and people sharing videoas on TV is quite good because it's a good way for people to express themselves. Furthermore, i think Al Gore signing up is important because it allows him to get in touch with the public about politics because more people need to engage in politics. Furthermore, it reinforces the power of Murdoch as he known owns Current TV as well as FOX and SKY
Posted by
Rajan |
5:32 PM
heloo sherish,
Your blog is lookin wiked, the template is good and you have a range of different meida stories.
The article that i am going to talk about is the google one. I personally think that its a good idea that google are becoming soo big becasue its a popular search tool that everyone uses. Also i agree with your view that by the fact that google is international it is very a powerful institute that everyone knows about. x
Posted by
harveen |
6:11 PM
hey chik,
wow your blog is beautiful and original with the template.
i will be commenting on the article 'Gore joins forces with Murdoch'
i think allowing people to place their videos on TV is a good way for them to have their 15 mintues of fame, and this also once again emphasises the power of Murdoch as he already regulates SKY and Fox!
Posted by
Dinni |
8:26 PM
hiyaa gal dem sugaa
loving the template of ur blog, ur always being extra but it pays off cos ur work is always good.. so keep it up :D u can clearly see u put in so mch effort into ur blog. its clear n informative :) well doneeee
Abt ur article which was on ethnic minoritys, its true that they dont get as much representation as whites and when they do its all sterotypical and stupidness, i mean all of us lot are etnic minorities but we are normal, why dont you ever see that anywhere?
Posted by
BusHaRa |
5:03 PM
hey cujo
you blog is really good and detailed. its colourful and the template is original.
you tube
i think you tube is a great idea and is something that is going to be really good and big. now its joined with google, these two companies together are going to be unbeatable in the search market and video search market. you tube gives people like us A level students tpo get there work recognised online.
Posted by
Rishi |
6:37 PM
Hiii CuDDuLeS :)
Your blog looks lovelyy :D the template is original & looks veryy proffessional and your work looks detailed & well researched
I want to talk about the ethnic minority article..I think it's true that ethnic minorites are very under represented in the media today and I agree with Bushara on the fact that even when they are represented in some form or another they are heavily sterotyped or misinterprated.
Posted by
HeavenSent..x |
8:33 PM
GIRLLLL your blogg is sikkkkkkk, no wonder mr bush goes on and on about it! i think you should hook us all up with this template!!
Secondly, yeah youtube oh my gosh it is a brilliant idea, and it soo good that you can watch everything on there, it keeps people interested however, you do have some freaks on it aswell.Overall a brilliant idea and it will be the next best thing.
tc luv x x
Posted by
Get Rich Or Die Trying |
8:34 PM
Hello Sherish Pop
Your blog is very informative, also by the words standing out by the nice background lol. You have put a lot of effort into this and you can tell be the amount of media stories that interest you.
I goin to talk about the google one. Google is the most popular search engine that many people know about. I have it as my homepage as it is so useful to many sites such as looking up stuff for homework, and other stuff ;)
Posted by
Sawan |
11:21 PM
Your blog is looking wicked! There's some really interesting stories and the template is awesome.
im gunna talk about the artical: "Gore joins forces with Murdoch". I think websites like YouTube are soo entertaining and its a easy way for people to get recognised for what ever they have done- made music videos, funny sing-alongs etc. Therefore, i think its a good idea that Gore and Murdoch have teamed up because it will encourage people to express themselves very openly.
Posted by
Kavita |
9:10 PM
Yo my immigrant, blog is sick. Its clear to see that you have A LOT OF FREE TIME on your hands, making look all pretty and nice. Detailed and thorough knowledge is evident.
I feel that ITV has lost many ratings. You're right, channel 4 is a much stronger competitor. I was jus thinkin that it probably is the best terrestrial channel out of the 5. It shows a variety of interesting programmes, ranging from the best documentaries to the best dramas/sitcoms. Definatley great for people of our age.
Posted by
Gurveer |
12:55 AM